Me and my little guy Jason

Me and my little guy Jason

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I had blogged a few days ago about how things were going in my life with certain emotions I was having. Well....on Sunday I was asked to speak in sacrament meeting on Scheduling the Savior in our lives. At first I thought it was a hard topic to speak on and it still is kind of, but when I was asked Brother Job made a comment that has stuck with me the past few days. He said "well with everything going on in your life lately, maybe preparing this talk throughout the week will help you focus MORE on the Savior and things will get better." Well it has only been two days and boy has my week been great so far.

For example I woke up yesterday and thought I was going to die because I went jogging. Ok....I attempted to, but none the less I ran. While I was running and trying to clear my mind the topic of my talk came to mind. Of course the big question came "do I schedule the Savior in my life?" So when I came home I knelt down and started praying about somethings that were on my mind and found myself thinking of ways to better schedule the Savior in my life. Shortly after those thoughts I started telling the Lord that I wanted to give things up in my life, but I didn't know how. Right after my prayer I had all the strength I needed to make some phone calls and texts to rid myself of certain things holding me back from growing. I still have that strength, but know if I don't work at it I may not stay strong. Anyways I went to my parents house and had all this energy after my run and started cleaning refrigerators, freezers, and junk drawers. It felt good to do some service. Then I got my new laptop in the mail which is exciting because I want to take some online classes in the fall. The best part of my day was when I saw that the blog Jasons mom made for me was updated. Could the day really get much better after that? YES.....I got a job! I immediately knew I had made the right choices that morning and was being blessed because of it. I have NEVER felt that strongly about my prayers being answered so quickly and know immediately I was being blessed because of the decisions I made.

I don't have a lot more to blog about except I do want to say that I love the adoptive family my baby is with. They give more pictures than I could have ever hoped for and they keep me informed on everything he does. I get videos that I never even thought about asking for. I feel very blessed lately and am very grateful for all I have.

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